Simple, Easy Yogurt with Yogurt Maker
I make yogurt at least once a week. It is so easy to make that it has become part of my cooking routine.
First, in a large saucepan bring 4 cups of whole milk to 180 degrees, or until the milk forms bubbles around the edge of the pan.
Remove from heat and let it cool back down between 110 and 115 degrees. You can speed this up by placing the pan in a sink full of cold water.
Once the temperature has lowered add 4 tablespoons of yogurt, either from the last batch, or from a new container. I buy a new container of yogurt every 5 weeks or so. Freeze 1 tablespoon portions in ice cube trays if you want to buy in bulk. Thaw before using.
Then add 4 tablespoons of sweetener. I prefer brown sugar. Kids may enjoy strawberry syrup, maple syrup or jam. Experiment!
Whisk the starter and sweetener into the milk until smooth.
At this point I pour it into the seven individual jars of my yogurt maker (Euro Cuisine), put the lid over the top, push the "on" button and let it sit for 11 hours. It comes out perfect. The whole milk makes it taste like Greek Yogurt, delicious and creamy. I love the individual jars as each comes with its own lid, therefore stores well in the fridge and travels well.
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