September 15, 2015

The weather is cooling down. It is such a cozy time of year. Lovely.

Nice pace of work for me right now. So happy not to be in the crazy pattern of late August when I was trying to get the magazine out and have restful vacations too.

Also thinking about taking the slow path for my MBA--only one class at a time rather than two. I'll need to talk to my adviser.

Yesterday was packed full. Teeth cleaning at 8 a.m. Worked at the office from 9 to 2:30 p.m. Ran errands. Met O at school. She played on the playground while I attended a PTO meeting from 4 to 4:30 p.m. Home. Put chicken in the oven and started rice to boil. I ate a burrito and headed off to class.

Home at 8 p.m. Emptied the dishwasher. Helped N fold clothes. Signed school papers. Found time to read for 30 minutes after tucking the kids into bed. Loving Cinders. 


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